Thursday, August 26, 2010

Whitestrips Gums Recede

Latest updates and future

Dear Sisters,

is pursuing me for the year of great change. I'm more or less distorting my entire life (there's just a wonderful milestone) and slowly I'm getting closer to building a solid foundation to run and realize my dreams. Slowly takes shape, even all my projects and I hope to be able to leave a mark.
still has some 'patience!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fastest Boot Time Antivirus Package

beauty (2)

Hello, I'm back here .... with a bit of delayed trigger but I made it there.

I took a few days off ... I had to rearrange the material and take stock of the situation before the holidays ... Previously the work to be completed and put new ones in the pipeline for September.

And here they are ready for my beauty ....... all in a row and bright colored ... the zipper has been "decorated" with the beads coupled to the imagination of the fabric.

A special on the yellow / white and blue ... trimmings and the heart applied to a ribbon and broderie anglaise and zig zag to the other.

For those pink and red ... more applications this time in four hearts and imagination for the red and white zig zag lace ..... pearls and beads.

There currently working on a new model this time stuffed with new photos soon. Good day to you all.