Monday, October 29, 2007

Wordings Formy3rd Birthday

First song by Nirvana for advertising

You can see the first results of the financial move of Courtney Love, the to sell 25% of Nirvana's catalog for a company's editions, the ex-spouse Cobain has won as many as 50 million dollars from the transaction and a quarter of the music of the trio of Aberdeen have been held by the Primary Wave Publishing, which admits "We want to bring the music of Nirvana in places where it has never been", that is, commercials, TV and cinema.

The first piece to 'switch sides' will 'Breed' that will be used for the advertisement of a television series in Australia (last year used SKY Italy 'Come As You Are' for the SKY Cinema in November, a source, will be included in the soundtrack of electronic game "Major League Baseball 2K7 "and will be part of the OST of" Shoot 'Em Up, "a feature film starring Clive Owen and Monica Bellucci.

The Primary Wave Publishing is part of a larger company that has invested over $ 150 million in music publishing, in the hope that an aggressive approach can bring income 'generous'.

It is estimated that a song could be worth up to $ 300,000 for a film and 40,000 for television, plus the proceeds are taxed at a preferential tax regime compared to other income. Now

version ascoltiamoci Breed Live and Loud


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