Groups Paderno d'Adda and Robbiate celebrated with the ceremony for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, joining the other 4,300 units at the same time, at 9.15, rose the Tricolour in the sky of Italy. The flag-raising, to the National Anthem sung in chorus, was the principal moment of celebration, attended by the Mayor of Paderno d'Adda, with advisors and mentors, and a beautiful part of citizens who wanted Italy celebrate.
It was then read the text sent for the occasion by the national president of the ANA Corrado Perona:
Mountain and Dear Friends who are near us, today marks the 150th anniversary of national unity and celebrate the event with all the solemnity it deserves.
We wanted to start this day as we do to all our event: the flag-raising ceremony.
This simple gesture, but full of sincere devotion, was made simultaneously in each city, village, district manned by one of our group or by one of our Section. A sort of huge tricolor ribbon has joined our community from the Valle d'Aosta to Sicily, from Friuli in Puglia, to those foreign countries where our resident Mountain double naja. For us it is
normal dress of our flag every holiday.
is normal to feel shivers of sincere emotion every time we see the flag go up on the flagpole in the wind and unwind.
is a gesture that has nothing rhetorical because I felt deep in my heart from all of us. Today
hear important speeches abounded references to national sentiment and Italian. You remember the forefathers and who were able to pursue the dream and we will not only hope that this is not a simple conversation of the occasion.
Oriana Fallaci, in "Anger and Pride" wrote: "Of course, my country, my Italy, is not the Italy of today. Italy pleasure seeking, sly, vulgar who think only of Italians to retire earlier than fifty years and who are passionate for holidays abroad or football matches. ... Italy shabby, cowardly, soulless, arrogant and incapable of parties who can neither win nor lose ... No, no: my ideal is an Italy Italy. It is the Italy that I dreamed as a young girl, when I was dismissed by the Italian Army - Corps Volunteers of Liberty, and I was full of illusions. An Italy serious, intelligent, dignified, courageous, and worthy of respect. And this Italy, an Italy that even if there is silenced or mocked or insulted, woe betide anyone who touches me. Woe to him who robs me, woe to me invade ... "
This is a serious and respectable Italy that we must celebrate.
Italy is the ordinary people who strive and sacrifice peace for the good of their community.
A 'Italy generous, capable, supportive.
Italy is aware of who is to have duties towards our neighbor who he is.
Italy is the people who every day works to build a better place to live.
is Italy who dreamed of our Mountain in the trenches of war who were forced to fight.
Italy is dreaming our boys in Afghanistan and our families every day that God sends into the ground.
Italy is proud of those who are sincerely of its land, its history, its traditions but is aware that this must be cultivated and cared for every day as the most precious gardens.
Italy is the great values \u200b\u200bthat have built and sustained.
This is Italy, which is celebrated!
This is Italy, which must be sought and valued.
In my heart I can only hope that Italy, too official, so to speak, does not lose the opportunity to pause and reflect on this anniversary and realize that it is time to leave home every party interests and to roll up their sleeves to rebuild, morally and physically, that Italy that our old men have dreamed of.
We will continue to do what we always did in those ninety years.
continue to cultivate the love of country that is not a rhetorical sense, but the sum of those great virtues which our "substitute" they have given us.
They have been forced to work up heroism in war, we were taught to apply those same virtues in the field to peaceful beautiful Italy. Because, as said Don Carlo, to delight and Italy takes the tenacity of the Alpini, the sobriety of the Alpini, the love for the land of the Alpini, the religiousness of the Alpini.
him, today, I would add it takes the simplicity of the Alpini, the availability of the Alpine and their ability to make a real community.
Only along this road we have hope of actually achieving the dream of the Fathers of the Risorgimento and of our "guardian".
And I'm sure the Mountain with tenacity, simplicity, simplicity and availability will continue to walk with a slow but steady on that course.
W l "Italy!
Even we unite our voices to those of the National President and all the groups and Chambers, who celebrated Today the sesquicentennial: W Italy!
Photographs and text © Alpine Group Paderno d'Adda
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